Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm too tired tonight, BUT....

I have a good post tomorrow about RUDE people, I won't mention any names I promise, and it'll be good!

I'm going to bed now, but just wanted to give all of my readers (I think I have two now, and one of them has already heard the story) something to look foward to... until then enjoy the picture of the haircut mentioned in a prior post!!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

"The Lone Child"

Ok, so I am off work today and I REALLY do have house work that needs to be done, BUT.. I just thought this little story was to cute not to share

Here's the background: I recently (this week) landed the job of my dreams. It's a job that I could only hope and pray that God bless me with, and through much prayer He did!! I am teaching a class of three year old's at the most God loving, teaching, serving school I have ever had the priveledge of knowing! We came to find Ivy League Academy this past spring while on the prowl for a school for our son to start first grade! We wanted him to have the best possible education around and believe me we found it. I will post more on the school later, but to get on with "The Lone Child"...

I substituted at the school this week, and yesterday afternoon I had "after school care" duty. I had Kindergarden through Third graders and we were watching a movie and chatting quitely. Of course my Aden had to be front and center of the class so he stuck out his bottom lip and pouted "Mommy, can I sit with you please" (of course this was at the teacher's desk at the front of the class). I just couldn't resist this oppertunity to sneak in some sunggle time with my baby while on the clock so I oblidged. Of course this got the attention of the other students, and slowly three little desk started sliding toward me (I think they thought I wouldn't notice). So we sat there talking for a few minutes, when one little girl asked "Mrs. Reed, does Aden have a brother" to which Aden answered "Nope" little girl "any sisters?" Aden "Nope, I'm a lone child!!" I just thought that was so cute and couldn't help but chuckle to myself, but the conversation continued... little girl "does that mean you have your own room?" Aden "Yep, and a queen size bed!!!"

What he didn't tell her is that he would rather sleep on the couch!!!

uummm I think he needs a haircut....

He did get one a few days ago after this photo was taken... I just love this pic!

Blogging take two...

So the first blog I started didn't go so well (I think I posted twice!!). Since I know SO MANY people are disappointed and anxiously awaiting a new post to my old blog (Brother) and I can no longer even remember the name of that blog I am pleased to announce (drum roll please) "LOVING LIFE AND MY SIX YEAR OLD"!!!! I promise to try to do better on updating this blog!!! I hope you all (all three of you) enjoy it!